ViennaBBO imageVienna Symphonic Library is software that orchestral and film score composers use. They now released a free set called The Big Bang Orchestra.

Let's have a look at the steps we took.

  • Go to web page of the VSL Big Bang Orchestra
  • Click Add to basket
  • If you have an eLicenser from Steinberg you are fine, or else you have to buy the ViennaKey for 15 dollar (or 24 euro whichis the normal price), so you have to click on that too if you need one.
  • Next go to the shopping basket, there you read that you have to log in with your account.
  • If you have no account you have to create one, so you have to fill in a lot of information.
  • After sending all your information to the website you will receive an email to verify your account.
  • Then you can log in and finalize the sale.
  • You will then receive a confirmation of the sales with some explanation what to do.
  • You start by clicking on the download link in the email, for the download manager and install it.
  • Next you have to click on the link in your email with the serial number which will activate the download manager and it should then download the sounds.
  • After download you have to activate it, so click activate. This will put the security code on the USB eLicenser
  • Next you have to create a folder where the sounds should be installed.
  • Click on the Synchron Player download at the download page of the website
  • Install the Synchron Player. This will ask for the folder where the VST needs to be placed, so set it to the folder where your DAW holds its plugins.
  • Now you can start your DAW


DOWNLOAD: VSL Big Bang Orchestra 


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