HealingLite imageHealing lite of Quiet Music is a free plugin that offers some professional high quality sounds you can use for relaxing music.

This great plugin of Quiet Music is a free VST plugin for windows and Mac that offers you some high quality sounds of two tibettan bowls, a rainstick and a tibettan Tingsha. All laid down in an easy to work with plugin. And the lite version is free.

  • To download Healing lite you have to go to the Quiet Music website
  • Scroll down and click through to the download page
  • Fill in that you want to buy it for 0, so just enter 0 in the box and click ‘I want this’
  • Next you will see a checkout page where you have to fill in your email address.
  • As soon as you click on send, you will be redirected to a Google Drive folder where the Windows and mac version can be downloaded.
  • Besides that you will also receive an email with the same link.
  • In the Google Drive, Just double click on the folder you want to see.
  • So just pick the folder one you need. Right click on the file and select download.
  • Now you unpack the zip file and open the extra folder inside this which is the actual instrument.
  • Next you have to copy both the .dll file and the folder with the sounds to the folder on your computer where all your plugins are stored, so they can be found by your DAW.
  • Next you can start your DAW and drag the plugin to one of your tracks.

CHECK OUT OUR VIDEO REVIEW ON YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ab8pW7ECzUY

WEBSITE FOR INFO & DOWNLOAD: https://quietmusic.eu/healing-lite



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